
Ancient Christian Devotional: A Year of Weekly Readings: Lectionary Cycle C is unavailable, but you can change that!

By allowing us to read holy writings with ancient eyes, the church fathers help us drink deeply from the only water that can give us true life. A follow-up to the previous Ancient Christian Devotional, this devotional guide follows lectionary cycle C. This guide to prayer and reflection combines excerpts from the writings of the church fathers as found in the Ancient Christian Commentary on...

Thus we say that all things are recapitulated in Christ. Explanation of the Letter to the Romans. Lord of All. PELAGIUS: There is one Lord of all, who abounds in mercy and possesses salvation, with which he is generous to all. Pelagius’s Commentary on Romans. Jesus Says Neither “I Can” Nor “I Cannot.” CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA: Therefore it was that Christ, knowing the monster’s plan, neither made the change nor said that he was either unable
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